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Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Lauren Moore, our Print Publications Chair!

“I can’t decide if I’m a serif or a sans-serif!” A fitting answer for someone who describes her self as traditional with a bit of quirk. It was another boiling early July afternoon when I met AIGA Baltimore board member Lauren Moore at a local coffee shop to get to know each other.

The young twenty-something-year-old designer, born in Maryland now lives in Canton where she heads up her own creative agency, Cobalt. Matt Moore is her brother, partner in crime and together the duo operate the funky agency taking on a myriad of challenges across all mediums. When asked about the favorite part of what she does with Cobalt, “easy, I love working with the clients.”

After growing up in the Maryland suburbs, she took a brief stay out of state when she acquired her BFA in Visual Communications from the University of Delaware. She has since lived here in the city for the past five years and loves every moment of it. “As an artistic person, I love the weird architecture, unique houses and restaurants…nothing is uniform and always unexpected.” Lauren describes her passion for this city by just walking around and exploring, there’s always something new she’ll discover out in her travels which can fuel her creativity.

When asked if she would ever want to break free from the Mid-Atlantic, she again returned to her passion for walking and exploring the city she already knows and would love to travel somewhere which could have the same unique atmosphere as Baltimore. “Spain or Greece. I love the historic characteristics with the outdoor markets and the city lifestyle where people are outside and you can walk places.”

On the board, Lauren enjoys the idea that she is contributing to her industry. “I love design! That’s all I ever want to do in free time, and being on the board allows me to meet other people who feel the same way who also love Baltimore.”


Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Emily Bennet, our Web Chair!

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
A. I was born and raised in New Hampshire on the sea coast. After graduating high school, I moved to Baltimore to attend MICA and have been here ever since. As a user experience designer at Millennial Media, I take part in vigilantism—saving the wold from catastrophes, villains and any problems that a user may experience.

Q. What do you love about design?
A. I like to think of myself as Tron—I fight for the user! Design is a fantastic tool to keep the user going down the right path. It shapes user interaction whether good or bad.

Q. What do you like about being on the AIGA Baltimore board?
A. I enjoy being the technology sidekick, providing assistance to the superhero’s that are the members of AIGA.

Q. Name a must-see spot in Baltimore that you wouldn’t find in a travel guidebook.
A. Anything outside of a half-mile radius of the inner harbor can be simply brilliant. There is so much in the city that people don’t bother to explore outside of the waterfront. Anyone who is a visitor of the city shouldn’t fear leaving the inner harbor bubble especially since we just left the list of the top five most murderous cities in the country.

Q. If you were a font what would you be?

A. Proxima Nova (said in a quirky British accent).

Q. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
A. I would love to go to Europe. I’ve conquered the North American continent—New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the West Coast, Canada. It all blends together.

Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Jennifer Marin, our Education & Professional Development Director!

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
A. I am Northern Italian (from Livorno, a port city on the western coast of Tuscany) and Venezuelan. I moved to Baltimore from Caracas 15 years ago to live with my mother and attend college. I never returned home and eventually I became a citizen, choosing Baltimore as my new home. I’ve taught design courses at Towson University and currently I am the senior designer at an in-house design department in Columbia. We work primarily in book and video publishing, but have begun expanding our expertise as the digital movement sweeps over our industry.

Q. What do you love about design?
A. Design thinking doesn’t provide the “right answer” but rather a myriad of ways to approach a solution. I love being challenged to find creative solutions. Ironically, at best, I can draw a stick figure.

Q. Why did you decide to join the AIGA Baltimore board?
A. I’m excited to be an active part of the Baltimore design community. I see the benefits of a strong chapter, and I want to help make our chapter as strong as AIGA DC.

Q. What is your passion?
A. Other than design, I love to cook. Before I chose my career as a designer, I went to culinary school. I wanted to be a chef. I worked at a few local restaurants when I realized that for me, the art of cooking was more enjoyable in the comfort of my home where I could experiment freely with new ingredients and recipes and where I didn’t have to clock in and out, work long hours and sweat profusely behind a hot stove. Of course, this was before the Food Network craze, when being a chef was not as fashionable and hip as it is today.

Q. What is a must-see spot in Baltimore?
A. I love the sidewalk culture in Mt. Vernon. The architecture of our city is beautiful, especially around the Peabody and Mt. Washington Monument.

Q. What is your favorite summertime drink?
A. Pineapple, cilantro & lime margarita from El Gato Negro in New Orleans. One of the most refreshing drinks I’ve ever had.

Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Brian Ghiloni our Vice President!

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
A. I grew up in New Hampshire and moved to Baltimore for college to study painting. Since graduating, I’ve moved away and back a couple of times, but I’ve always considered Baltimore home. I’ve been fortunate to also live in Seattle, Ireland, and Italy. Currently, I help run a 2-person design studio specializing in exhibit and special event design. We work with a broad spectrum of clients including Fortune 500 companies, local businesses, nonprofits, and governmental organizations. More recently, we worked on the NATO and the G8 Summits.

Q. What do you love about design?
A. I love the fact that I’m constantly challenged creatively. Design has the potential to have a much greater reach than fine arts. Design isn’t simply about making beautiful things. The Design for Good initiative is a perfect example of designers participating in larger conversations about important issues that affect us all.

Q. Why did you decide to join the AIGA board?
A. I joined the board to connect with local designers and give back to the design community. I want to see Baltimore designers succeed!

Q. What is your favorite Jon Waters Film?
A. Pink Flamingos

Q. Where is the best Baltimore crabcake?
A. Koco’s on Harford Road.

Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Courtney Glancy, our Programming Director!

Q: What is your background and history in design?
A: I was born and bred in Baltimore, have never left and don’t plan to—I love this city!  (Everyone in Baltimore seems to ask where you when to high school; Courtney’s on top of that one.) Before you have to ask, I went to Dulaney High School. I was an Interdisciplinary Studies Major in Visual Communication Design and Business at Villa Julie College. While I know there was a name change, I didn’t attend Stevenson!  After leaving an (unnamed) agency after 6 years, I ventured off to become my own boss and haven’t looked back.

Q: Do you like working for yourself?
A:  It’s great to live and breathe a job you love. Makes waking up and shuffling into my Canton home office much easier.

Q: What do you do for fun?
A: Recently married to my husband, John, my definition of “fun” is going to the farmers market together or enjoying fine food and drinks with good company, attending concerts, or belting favorite 80s tunes during karaoke at Walt’s Inn. AMC is my TV channel of choice.

Q: How would you spend the 8th day of your week?
A: Start with fresh cinnamon rolls, good coffee and some time to catch up on our DVR.

Q:  What do you love about design?
A: One Christmas when I was 12 years old I received Print Shop Deluxe and spent the entire day creating fake ads. I’ve been on a quest for visual organization, good design, and clear communication ever since. (She says as she looks down at a diner menu in desperate need of design and hierarchy).

Q: Why did you decide to join the AIGA Baltimore board?
A: AIGA provides connectivity and interaction with people interested in design. I spend my days talking to my four office mates …errr…cats—the human companionship helps balance my days and keeps me sane. I look forward to serving the Baltimore design community and being an active part of it.

Q: If Baltimore was an ice cream flavor what would it be?
A: Bacon, because it’s a little weird and unusual.

Q: If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
A: Southern Spain. Love the culture, the food, the history, and especially the people.

Q: Name a must-see spot in Baltimore that you wouldn’t find in a travel guidebook.
A: There are two spots I’d suggest. 1) You’ve got to check out the farmers markets, and 2) the alley behind Single Carrot Theater off of North Avenue has some great graffiti that is always changing.

Courtney looks forward to meeting more AIGA members at future events.

Converse: I love print, but I need to do websites too!

Last Thursday, we had our monthly Converse event. Converse is an opportunity for lovers of design to come talk casually about a specific topic. This month’s topic was “I love print, but I need to do websites too!”

In case you missed it, here is a little bit of what was discussed that night:

  • Web design and web development are two different things.
  • Don’t try to become a developer. It is a completely different set of skills. Would you ask a developer to design a brochure or logo?
  • Do understand that you are designing for something interactive, its not static like print. Otherwise, the process is all the same.
  • Find a good developer to partner with on projects. You might be able to find them at CMS conferences. You need someone who you can have good communication and respect for a good working relationship.
  • Bring your developer early into the process. Ask them what kind of design files they prefer and bring them into client discussions to talk about functionality and design.
  • Don’t take a job that wants the “everything” type designer. That type of employer does not have realistic expectations or an understanding of the web design process
  • It is necessary to educate the client about all of the planning needed to design a website well

And here are some possible resources to consider:

Thank you to b.Creative for sharing their space and their wealth of knowledge with us!

Converse is our roundtable event regularly occurring on the third Thursday of each month. Each event focuses on a different topic for discussion. Email if you have any questions or if you would like to suggest a topic for a future Converse night.

Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Meg Marx, our Volunteer Chair!

Q. Tell us about yourself.
A. “I’m from Marinette, couldn’t be prouder. If you can’t hear me, I’ll yell a little louder!”

That’s Meg, reciting a retro cheer from her mom, a former cheerleader. She hails from Marinette, WI, forty-five minutes north of Green Bay (“Go Pack go!”) and came to Baltimore by way of Hell’s Kitchen “for love and the smell of green”—trees, that is. Meg, who once worked in a factory making all kinds of pistons, loves fine wine, kayaking, walking, and taking pictures of fireflies. She currently teaches at Towson and Stevenson Universities.

Q: What do you love about design?
A: The method behind the madness. The constant learning. You never know what you’re gonna get sideswiped with!

Q: What do you love about being on the board?
A: The connection, community, support, and interaction it provides. Plus, I can act as a liaison for my students.

Q: What part of Baltimore inspires you?
A: Station North. There’s hope and change happening there. It’s interesting when you’re driving through there not to experience the stigma that used to be attached to the area. It’s full of beautiful old buildings. I don’t experience the same caution as many lifelong Baltimore residents do because I didn’t grow up here and wasn’t exposed to the recent history of that neighborhood, but the people and sense of community in the city are inspiring. It’s a true small town feel—and I would know, I grew up in one!

Q: If Baltimore was an ice cream flavor what would it be? 
A: Rocky road, because of the awfully potholed streets. Also the water main breaks, which are an obsession. I love photographing potholes and water main breaks.

Q: Name a song that inspires you.
A: I have loved Barbara Streisand since the fourth grade!

Q: If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
A: The Galapagos Islands. I’ve been fascinated with them since reading the “G” volume of the encyclopedia in grade school.

Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Alissa Jones, our President!

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
A. Alissa was born in New York and grew up Florida. Later she went to college at the Savannah College of Art and Design and soon after met her husband Neil. After getting married, Alissa and Neil moved to Japan where she taught English. Alissa currently lives in Baltimore and both teaches and freelances.

For fun Alissa likes biking, knitting, sewing, letterpress and anything to do with printmaking.

Q. What do you love about design?
A. I like playing with letters, but more recently I enjoy branding and studying the client/designer process.

Q. Why did you decide to join the AIGA Baltimore board?
A. Events and networking. I wanted to go to events that did not exist. Now that I sit on the board, I’m able to help implement new programs that did not exist before. Another highlight I enjoy is meeting new members both locally and nationally.

Q. Favorite drink of choice?
A. Chocolate milkshake!

Q. What is your favorite font?
A. Don’t have one. The purpose and history determine which typeface I use.

Q. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
A. Whether it is locally or outside the U.S., I  prefer being “off-the beaten path”, anyplace where I can be exposed to culture.

Board Member Spotlight

Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Stacey Fatica, our Social Design Director!

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
A. I grew up in upstate New York in the Fingerlakes region. I went to college in Columbus, Ohio at the Columbus College of Art and Design. After school, on a whim, my boyfriend (now my husband) and I moved to Baltimore. My first job was with the City Paper. I worked there for a few months, but then moved into designing for a high-end furniture company. I later decided designing for nonprofits was what I really wanted to focus on in my design profession. I now work for MedStar Health.

When not working or doing AIGA stuff, I like to do pretty much anything that is outside. I love hiking, picnicking, canoeing, and camping.

Q. What do you love about design?
A. I have always been a visual person so I can’t see myself straying too far from design. I love how colors work together, how fonts work together and how page layouts work together. And seeing it all come together is what makes me really happy. I am a visual person. I can’t see doing anything other than design.

Q. Why did you decide to join the AIGA Baltimore board?
A. I felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle in my career. From being a part of AIGA, I’ve gained in social networking, getting to meet people, learning more about my profession and who is in my profession. Not only at the local level, but as a board member, I’ve been exposed to the national level as well. It is such a great experience because I’ve been able to meet designers who have a lot of the same issues and things they love about their job. Even though they are in another part of the county, they are similar to who I am and what I do. It is great to share those experiences with other designers.

Q. If you could pick a symbol to replace the Baltimore crab, what would it be?
A. The rat. My sister ran a marathon here not too long ago and she said she had never seen so many rats in a city. And I was like “Yup. That’s Baltimore!”

Q. Name a must-see spot in Baltimore that you wouldn’t find in a travel guidebook.
A. Walking around Locust Point. It has a very small town feel but it is surrounded by this huge city, and it is isolated on three sides by water. So, it is kind of like a little sanctuary within the city.

Q. Where is the best Baltimore Crab Cake?
A. In my opinion, it would be Papas on Taylor Avenue. You can go in there with dirty overalls and a baseball cap, and it doesn’t matter. It’s not fancy. It’s just really good food.

Board Member Spotlight


Like most boards, the AIGA Baltimore board is comprised of 100% volunteers. So you can get to know the board and recognize some faces at our events, we are featuring board members. Today’s post focuses on Rachel Beser, our Membership Chair!

Q. Tell us a little about yourself.
A. I was born outside Philly and grew up in Baltimore county. I have family in Baltimore…grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. I currently work as a Web and Social Media Specialist creating and maintaining public websites for our biggest client, the U.S. Army. I enjoy board games, taking walks, and reading. Some of the best books are the ones I judged by their cover. Vaclav & Lena has a beautiful cover and a touching story. I’m in to cooking—currently dabbling in fritatas. I also like exploring cities and finding inspiration, going away from the path to see where it takes you.

Q. What do you love about design?
A. I love that design is everywhere and tactile. You see design when you wake up and when you get out of bed and how the earth itself is designed. I love that there are so many different perspectives you can pull from and create something completely different. Design thinks about art and function as well. A lot of people can be designers thinking both with the right and left brain. It is always evolving.

Q. What do you like about being on the AIGA Baltimore board?
A. I like that I can give back to the community. I have met designers, mentors, and like-minded individuals, and AIGA is a way I can volunteer and give back.

Q. Name a song that inspires you.
A. I like the song Baltimore – Caleb and Saleem. The song speaks to the truth of Baltimore. We are a vibrant and innovative city with a down to earth feel. It also speaks the truth that we unify classes with music, arts, and culture in the best ways possible. This song goes on full blast!

Q. If you were a font what would you be?
A. I would be Aldine Expanded, because its a western retro font. I feel like its more modern and curvy, and feels homey and excepting, a place that is old and comfortable but surprises you.

Q. If you could paint the world with one color, name that Pantone.
A. PMS 377. Soy based and environmentally friendly.